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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Congress adjorning?

In July, Congress adjourned for a 5 week summer recess despite the severe problem of the cost of imported oil. Congress did nothing, and the Pelosi - Reid axis of incompetance would not even let members vote on whether or not to drill offshore. As a result, nothing has been done on that front. No one in the US knows if the government will or will not allow meaningful offshore drilling (not just the silly limited amount put forward by the Democrats in their Potemkin village of an energy bill). In other words, rather than taking a position so that the people and businesses could respond to the conditions set by the government, the Democrats opted for the maximum paralysis. Should the oil companies get ready to drill? Well, no one knows if it will be allowed. Should the alternative energy industry crank up maximum output since there will be high oil prices due to low supply? No one knows since there still may be offshore drilling allowed that might make some of the alternative programs uneconomic. The Axis of Incompetance has stayed true to its name.

Now, Harry Reid, the Senate Chieftain of the Axis of Incompetance, has said that the best thing Congress can do with regard to the problems in the financial markets is to adjourn. Once again, Reid selects paralysis. Today's proposal for a new federal entity like the RTC to manage this crisis cannot go forward without approval by Congress. That would be hard to do if they are all home on recess. Other proposals to remedy this calamity similarly require Congressional action.

What is Reid's new campaign slogan going to be? -- "Let them eat cake?" At least Marie Antoinette was good looking. How can the Democrats have any claim to be able to solve this country's problems when their constant solution to everything is to avoid doing anything and then to blame Bush and the Republicans. The problem with this strategy is that the American people are not as dumb as Reid and Pelosi seem to think. They actully understand that one needs to deal with problems not to hide from them.

What's next? Will Reid and Pelosi propose a new reconstruction aid package for the Houston metro area consisting of cordoning it off and pretending that it does not exist? Or maybe the Democrats will hire Hollywood actors to play diplomats and hold some scripted UN sessions where all world problems are resolved. After all, who cares about reality. We can all get that from reality TV. The Democrats do not do themselves any favor by having the undynamic duo as their leaders. Surely, there must be someone better. Maybe someone with a brain who can actually tell the truth.

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