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Monday, August 10, 2009

the nancy/Steny axis of stupidity

This morning, in USA Today, nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer "wrote" a column about health care in which they describe those who go to forums and oppose the healthcare bill as "un-American". While I doubt that either Pelosi or Hoyer actually wrote the column (since it appears to have both good grammar and correct spelling) they are responsible for its content. As such, they could best be described as scoundrels and more appropriately as demagogues. We are now to believe that opposing the will of Congressional leaders is un-american? Nancy certainly did not think this to be the case when groups opposed the war in Iraq (which she supported initially). How about those who opposed holding terrorists at Gitmo -- she did not call them un-American. Indeed, nearly every action taken by the Bush Administration during the first 6 years when the Republicans were in control was opposed by some sort of Democrat protest group. Nancy and Steny generally supported all of these protests.

These fools cannot, however, get away with stuff like this. the public is not that dumb. Nor does everyone forget the past. Just as Obama's old statements haunt him on youtube, Nancy will suffer the fate of ridicule for her dishonest posturing. My guess is that this is Nancy's last term as Speaker. Even if the Democrats keep the House, Pelosi is toast. The Dems cannot afford to have someone so blatantly dishonest in that position. They may still need to lie to the American people, but they will have to do so with more style than Nancy can muster.

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