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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blumenthal -- another liar

There has been cause for celebration in Connecticut since we finally rid ourselves of Chriss Dodd as a senator. Dodd, after all, was the recipient of a series of sweet heart deals from people who had business before the senate banking committee of which he is chairman. Dodd got below market rate mortgages, special deals on an huge seaside estate in Ireland, and a series of little work, big pay jobs for his wife. Dodd decided not to run for re-election when the polls showed he would lose badly. In his place, the Democrats annointed Richard Blumenthal, the state Attorney General, as their candidate. Now, Blumenthal has been revealed to be a chronic liar by the New York Times of all papers.

In an article this morning, the Times revealed that Blumenthal has lied for his whole public life about his military service. He is not a veteran who served in Vietnam as he claimed. Rather, Blumenthal received a series of deferments to aboid the military and then he "secured" a place in the reserves and was never on active duty in Vietnam or anywhere else. His most hazardous activity was to organize a "toys for tots" program in DC where his unit was located. (And before you ask, he did not win a purple heart for the paper cut he received wrapping presents.)

How can we have yet another senator who cannot tell the difference between the truth and a lie. Blumenthal now says he "misspoke". I wonder if Blumenthal ever let off a defendant who committed fraud because his later defense was that he misspoke. I doubt it. Blumenthal is known for his sanctimonious pronouncements on all sorts of matters. He is certainly not qualified to be a senator. How could we ever trust him?

One last point: congratulations to the New York Times. That paper showed that it was willing to uncover corruption among Democrats who are the chosen ones in that papers ideology. It also shows that this is not a politically motivated hit on Blumenthal -- no right wing conspiracy.

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