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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Here we go again

I have written often about how it seems that the Obamacrats are more interested in what gets said than in what gets done. Well, here we go again. General McChrystal, the Obama appointed US commander in Afghanistan has been summoned back to Washington to explain the quotes attributed to him in an upcoming Rolling Stone article. Imagine, McChrystal allegedly told the reporter that he was disappointed with his first meeting with Obama. That meeting was about troop levels for the war. It took place months after McChrystal made his first informal request for more troops and was told by the White House to hold up sending in a formal request. In Rolling Stone, McChrystal is also quoted as asking, in jest, who Joe Biden is, criticizing the US ambassador for leaking cables that will give him the ability to say I told you so if the mission fails, and of allowing a subordinate to describe the National Security Adviser as stuck in 1985.

I agree that McChrystal should not publicly criticize those above him in the chain of command. The amazing thing to me, however, is the rapidity with which Obama has acted. It took Obama months to review the troop request after first delaying that request for more months through the back channel. It took Obama six months in office to meet with the commander of this war which Obama has called necessary. It is taking Obama a day to get the General to Washington to be fired after McChrystal is quoted in Rolling Stone. Let's the war young Americans are dying day after day, but in Rolling Stone, McChrystal said he was disappointed with Obama. I can see why Obama moved so fast here and so slow with regard to the war. when he weighs the balance between the lives of soldiers and his own sensitivity to criticism, we can see which is more important to him. Obama is commander in chief. He is supposed to do what is needed to protect Americans, including the military. How can a few off handed comments be so much more important that the war.

Indeed, we have all seen how quickly Obama moved after the gulf oil spill where he laughably claims to have been fully engaged since day one. That affected millions of folks along the gulf shores. McChrystal only affects Obama's ego.

The truth is that we need a president who understands that actions are more important than words. Speeches and teleprompters are not the most important results of a presidency. Words are important, but they do not come close to accomplishments, but, of course, accomplishments are not things that Obama would know anything about. He has yet to have any that are positive.

Obama has got to go!

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