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Monday, September 27, 2010

McMahon keeps on closing iin on Blumenthal

Just out this morning is a new poll from Rasmussen on the connecticut Senate race. it shows Blumenthal leading mcMahon by 5%, 50% to 45%. the margin of error is =/-4.5%, so the race is actually a statistical tie. For the last four months, each poll in the race has been closer than the one before. Linda McMahon is slowly cutting Blumenthal's lead to nothing. And it is not surprising: McMahon is running a strong positve campaign. She has put forward in a clear fashion her view on creating jobs and rescuing the economy. Her negative ads have been limited to factual statements of Blumenthal's own words contrasted to the truth. For example, she broadcast Blumenthal's claim that he would not take money from PAC's or other special interests with the filing from Blumenthal's own campaign that shows that he took about half a million dollars from PAC's in the first half of the year. Blumenthal's response was that he only meant that he would not take money from PAC's in a race for Attorney General (which, of course, is not the office for which he is running). For his part, Blumenthal has run both positive ads showing what he has done for people as attorney general and negative ads that are more like nasty slash and burn attacks on McMahon. Neither his positive nor his negative ads play as well as those of McMahon. That is particularly true of his negative ads which just seem nasty rather than factual.

The truth is that Blumenthal is running a very poor campaign and McMahon is running a great one. It well may be that the most important factor in the race is the Obama economy that can be hung around the neck of any Democrat, but if Blumenthal loses this race, he will have earned that fate.

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