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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The essential Democrat argument

Today's news brings the clearest statement yet of the Democrats' plan for dealing with the budget deficit and the soaring national debt. The statement comes from Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, a man who parrots the Obama line at all times. Robinson has told us that the Tea Party was composed of evil racists. He has explained the otherwise undiscovered virtues of Obamacare. He has explained the heartlessness of the ryan budget plan. And now, he has used his many sources in Obamaland to set forth the plan of the Democrats to deal with the budget and the debt.

Here, in his own words, is the essence of what Robinson says:

"The only reasonable thing to do is kick the can down the road -- but in a purposeful, intelligent way."

That's right; the plan of the Obamacrats is to do nothing. But they want to do it in an intelligent way. Give me a break! This is assinine even for Robinson, and that, my friends, is truly saying something! We have heard since early in the 2008 campaign how Obama was the single most intelligent man ever to walk on the face of the earth. Then, once in office, he managed to do some of the most boneheaded things ever seen in Washington.

Kicking the can down the road is not an option. It is rather a re-election strategy for Obama. It is the hope that Obama can win re-election before the house of cards collapses.

We need a leader as president. He is supposed to be commander in chief, not campaigner in chief.

Obama has got to go!

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