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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is it about Celebrities and Politics

Last night at an Obama fundraiser for show biz folks in New York, the host of the event Robert De Niro said this: "Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?" When someone in the crowd yelled "No", De Niro asked, "Too soon, right?"

This morning Newt Gingrich called De Niro's statement inexcusable and called on Obama to apologize for it.

A few hours later, the White House agreed and said, "We believe the joke was inappropriate."

Is it of critical importance that such things happen? No. Nevertheless, just imagine what would happen if the fund raiser was for a GOP candidate and some speaker said that it was too soon for America to have a black first lady for the next four years.

If the people in the entertainment industry want to make fools of themselves in films or on TV, that is their right. Nevertheless, when these self-important stars decide to get involved in politics, they owe it to the country and to the candidates they support to behave like responsible adults, no matter how hard that may be for them.

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