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Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Wizard of OB

After watching president Obama "explain" his policies, I frequently feel like I am watching the wizard in the "Wizard of Oz". To paraphrase, Obama is not a bad man, just a bad president. He has no solutions to the nations problems, just a bag of rhetorical tricks that actually make no difference whatsoever. Just as in Oz, Obama deals with straw men, only these are not scarecrows but just phony statements of the position of his opponents. When Obama's budget proposal goes down unanimously in the House with nearly 200 Democrats voting against it, Obama does not pout. Instead, he creates a straw man; the GOP budget will "starve children" and "kill the poor". Obama's strawmen have been getting scarier and scarier as his own proposals have gotten weaker and weaker. By October, I am sure that the wizard of OB will be telling American that the GOP candidate wants to use nuclear weapons against Iran.

It is a sad thing to watch a president who lives in a fantasy world of his own making. Hopefully, all Americans will recognize this for what it actually is.

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