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Sunday, March 24, 2013

More Keystone Democrats

The other day I wrote about how the Keystone Pipeline and environmentalism was driving a wedge into the Democrats.  On one side you have groups that want the jobs and prosperity of economic development and on the other side you have the groups that want to "rescue" the environment no matter what the cost (or the reality).  Not much attention was paid to it, but at the end of this past week, the Senate voted by a 2 to 1 margin to endorse construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  That majority included 17 Democrat senators.  To be clear, the GOP voted unanimously for the pipeline but the Democrats split roughly 2 to 1 against construction.  For a subject as important and symbolic as this pipeline, it is a bad omen for the Democrats to be so split.

This was a non-binding vote which will have no effect.  Just imagine what will happen once president Obama makes a decision on this matter.  Surely, there will have to be a day when he can finally focus on it.  At that point, all hell will brake lose no matter which way he dicides.

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