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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Asia Pacific Peace Committee??????

Not wanting to let a day go by without a threat, the North Koreans today warned all foreigners to leave South Korea quickly.  The threat was made by a North Korean group called the Asia Pacific Peace Committee.  Here is just a taste of what the so called Peace committee said:

"The situation on the Korean Peninsula is inching close to a thermonuclear war due to the evermore undisguised hostile actions of the United States and the South Korean puppet warmongers and their moves for a war against" North Korea.

I love the use of "puppet warmongers".  It is a new one.  I thought they would bring out some old favorites like "running dogs of American imperialism".  I guess they are saving those for oldies night. 

It can only be called perverse when one realizes that these delusional people with the emotional maturity of a twelve year old have nuclear weapons.  Just wait until the fanatics in Teheran also have nukes so that they can threaten world war and massive death while having the means to make good on their threats.

A friend of mine tells me that my posts on world topics are always too dark and foreboding.  Supposedly, I always see the downside to things.  Sadly, there is no upside to North Korean or Iranian nukes.  If anyone cans such an upside, I suggest that you mention it in the comments section.



1 comment:

hotpanera said...

There is no upside. But that doesn't logically mean that your posts on North Korea aren't dark. I have to agree with your friend that at least some of them are more than a tad dark.

When it comes to North Korea, there is tremendous uncertainty as to what North Korea is really up to, whether they have rational goals or are just looking for attention, to take one of many open questions. There is beyond that tremendous uncertainty for anybody not in the loop as to exactly what is going on behind the scenes, especially between the Administration and the Chinese who are, of course, key to any possible resolution. I don't see how it is possible to read a headline and think that one can intelligently opine on whether it's valid, what the true motives are, who may be fooling whom by putting out false information for the consumption of one or more audiences, etc.

Given that, I find it dark to read headlines with a negative take when they may very well mean nothing or even the opposite of what is being put out. There are enough bad things to worry about which are truly bad or potentially bad and which are largely capable of being evaluated with knowledge of the likely outcomes. I can't do that with North Korea and don't see how anybody not intimately familiar with what is happening can even begin to come to an intelligent conclusion. Indeed, I wonder whether even those who are very close to the situation can predict with any certainty where things will go. If one wants to conclude that the lack of predictability is, itself, dangerous, I'm all with that the first or second time. But daily updates based on pronouncements from North Korea add little if anything. Does anybody really have a better idea today than he or she had 2 weeks ago where this is all going despite numerous threats from North Korea? I doubt it. I take more comfort from the fact that people are not being told to leave South Korea, despite warnings that they should, than from the warnings themselves. Could the non-reaction be irrational? It's possible, but I can't determine that it is.

Since it may not have come through from the above, I want to say unequivocally that I am an avid reader of this blog and agree with most of your posts. Keep up the good work!