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Friday, September 26, 2014

Did The Obamacrats Really Create the Khorasan Group?

Over at Powerline, Paul Mirengoff has an article discussing how the name of the Khorasan Group came into being?  The conclusion is that Khorasan refers to an area which today is eastern Iran and western Afghanistan but which was a separate empire in the fourth century.  That would make the name of Islamic terrorists a reference to pre-Islamic times.  Surely, the jihadists would not use the name of non-believers to define their group.  Then there's the problem that none of the Islamic groups themselves use the name Khorasan or had even heard of the Khorasan group.  So how can it be that the US government tells us about the attack on this group which it names "Khorasan"?

The answer comes from identifying just who the Khorasan group is.  Simply put, this is what the White House would normally call "core al Qaeda".  That's right, these terrorists are part of the core al Qaeda group that president Obama has repeatedly told us had been destroyed.  And yet, there was core al Qaeda on track to launch a major group of attacks on the USA and western Europe.  If core al Qaeda had been defeated, how could that be happening?  The speculation is that the Obama administration gave the group the name Khorasan in an attempt to cover over the fact that this was the latest manifestation of core al Qaeda.

If this were any other administration, I would scoff at such an idea.  With the Obamacrats, however, the idea that they would lie for political advantage, particularly this close to an election, is totally unsurprising.  It is a terrible thing that we have arrived at a point where the complete dishonesty of the president and his people is a given.

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