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Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Latest Media Effort to Rescue Obama Continues

In the last week, there have been a number of pieces in the mainstream media touting president Obama's recent string of great "victories" that show him once again triumphant despite the major losses his party suffered in the midterm elections.  Those victories include the unconstitutional expansion of immigration privileges to illegal aliens, the meaningless climate agreement with China, the restoration of diplomatic relations with Cuba in exchange for nothing, etc. 

At first, I was amazed that the media mill would try to push such a silly line as this one.  Then, I realized that the media was actually attempting to reassure the liberals and the other mainstream media (although that is much the same thing) that Obama was still in charge.  Now, however, I think that most of the media is actually starting to believe this stuff.  Just today, I read a psychological analysis of Obama in Politico in which the author (who, of course, has no training in psychology) tells us that Obama is releasing his inner political combatant.  Obama, we are told, needs to react to an "enemy" and by winning the last election, the GOP provided that enemy.  Obama can spend his last two years strongly attacking the Republicans and enjoying it immensely.

It is an amazing thesis.  Think about it.  We have a president of the United States who can only function well if he has a large group of domestic opponents to attack.  Foreign problems like rogue states that hack into corporations and threaten terror attacks just don't get him moving.  Terror groups that kill hundreds of children and behead American journalists also provoke yawns.  Predatory countries like Russia that gobble up parts of their neighbors and threaten the stability and peace of the world have to be dealt with by Obama, but he would much rather play golf than do so.  Criminal elements at home like those who steal almost $100 billion each year from Medicare through fraud and abuse don't even get noticed by the president.  Federal programs that spend too much money on efforts that don't work and have never worked through their long history also get no attention from Obama.  But let there be a group that wants to cut those wasteful programs, that wants to open opportunity for the American worker by cutting misguided government regulations, and that wants to have a strong America that helps its friends and confounds its enemies, then we get an energized Obama who is out to bash that group as hard as he can.  In short, terror groups and rogue states get little attention, but fellow Americans who have different political opinions are to be figuratively lined up to be shot.

I realize that the entire idea of an energized Obama on the warpath is pure nonsense.  Sure, there will be a litany of these stories from the media, but essentially no Americans will hear them.  The verdict of the American people is already in on Obama; he is a failure.  The first African American president was supposed to heal the remaining divisions on race, but he made things much worse.  The big spending Democrat was to finally demonstrate the validity of the progressive big government model, but all he has done is proven to the country that the progressive model is a failure.  Obama was going to take America from a war power to a smart power.  Instead, he made us a weak power that kowtows to dictators, fails to support friends, runs from confrontation, wrings its hands rather than taking action, and gets out negotiated and tricked by all manner of smaller countries and groups.  Obama was going to have the most transparent administration in history, but instead he gave us the most dishonest one, an administration that raised lies and coverups to a level never seen before in Washington (and that is really saying something.) 

One thing that Obama said this year that was true is that his policies were on the ballot in November.  They were rejected.  That is not going to change because the American people no longer listen to Obama.


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