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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Time For Another National Conversation

Democrat liberals constantly tell us that we need to have a "national conversation" about this, that or the other thing.  For a long time, the conversation was supposed to be about race.  Next came the conversation about the environment; they told us that we just had to have it.  In the last year, I've heard calls from the left for a national conversation about income inequality, keeping American troops out of the Middle East, and other favorites of theirs.  These calls for national conversations are actually demands that everyone listen to what the left has to say and then to do whatever they demand.  It has gotten to the point where "national conversation" is more of a punch line than a serious statement.

Nevertheless, I think that today we have reached the point where America needs to have a national conversation about sticking to the truth.  We live in an actual reality in which the facts do not change.  Many on the left don't understand this, and we need to be sure that they do.  Just think of all the instances where rather than the truth "setting us free", we get phony statements that are all about political gain achieved by telling lies to the populace.

1.  No discussion of telling lies in America today could start anywhere other than with the Pathological Liar in Chief, president Obama.  Here's just a sample of his greatest falsehoods:
     a.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period!
     b.  Obamacare will save each family about $2500 per year in insurance premiums.
     c.  The United States will never agree to Iran getting a nuclear weapon.
     d.  Even though I said over forty times that I do not have the power as president to change the immigration laws, I actually do.
     e.  ISIS is just a jayvee group of terrorists.
     f.  America is winning the fight against ISIS.
     g.  Israel, America has got your back.

2.  Next we ought to go to the Democrats in Congress.  There too, telling lies for political gain is common practice.  Here's a good example from Harry Reid:  I have it on good authority that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes for ten years.
3.  Then there's Hillary Clinton.  Right now, she seems to be the only one to rival Obama in the amount of falsehoods that spew from her lips.  How about these:
     a.  All of the contributions to the Clinton Foundation are disclosed on its website (other than the 1200 or so contributions from foreign donors alone that went unlisted.)
     b.  None of the cash paid to the Foundation or to Bill and me for speeches affected my conduct as Secretary of State in any way.  The fact that the contributors all seem to have gotten favorable results on their issues decided by the Department of State was just a coincidence.
     c.  The attack on our mission in Benghazi Libya was the result of a youtube video that no one saw.  All those reports I got telling me that this was a terrorist attack didn't matter.
     d.  When I landed in Bosnia, my group came under fire and we had to run to shelter.  (That little girl who presented flowers to me and my group and the five minute welcoming ceremony can be ignored.)

4.  Then there's the media.  These people spout dishonesty like it was going out of style.  Who else could tell us that the shooting by a deranged racist in Charleston is the result of lax gun control laws but that the ongoing murder spree in Chicago has nothing to do with gun laws. 

I don't want to go further down the list except to note that the Supreme Court today joined the list of those I call liars for political purposes.  The Justices know that their opinion is dishonest.  They don't seem to care.

We need to discuss this.  If America moves from a fact based reality to one centered only on the political needs of the moment, we will not long survive.


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