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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How The Media Is Complicit

Earlier today, I saw the headline on Yahoo News that president Obama had stated that if Republicans were in charge of the White House, America would now be in seven more wars around the world.  I found out from the article that Obama added that he knows because he's been counting.  Then, after going on in the article at great length about what Obama had said, the piece ended with a point halfway through the 14th and last paragraph that states that Obama did not identify which seven wars he was talking about.

This is just propaganda from Obama reprinted as news by a complicit media.  There aren't seven places where we might be involved.  I tried to come up with a list.  Right now, there are wars in Iraq and Syria, but Obama already has us involved in those.  Afghanistan is another of those wars with which we are already involved.  There is fighting in Yemen, but the US hits positions there with drone strikes, so we're involved in that one too under Obama.  The only two places I could think of where there is fighting and where we are not directly involved are Ukraine and Libya.  In Ukraine, some in the GOP and some Democrats have called for America to supply weapons to the Ukrainian government; there have not been calls for the involvement of American troops.  Libya, of course, is a war because Obama (and Hillary Clinton) got America involved in the battle to overthrow Gadaffi without having even a clue as to what would come next.  As far as I know, no one has called for introducing American troops into that country.

So we have calls for the sale of weapons to Ukraine which to Obama constitutes the involvement of American troops in seven wars.  The man is a liar.  We already all know that.  I keep waiting for him to say "If you like the truth, you can keep the truth, period."  That's bad enough.  But why must the media be complicit in his lies?  This latest charge is so phony that it's laughable.  Why would any news organization, even one as substandard as Yahoo News, just report this as if it were fact?


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