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Friday, October 2, 2015

How to Ruin SNL

Hillary Clinton is going to be on the season premiere for Saturday Night Live this weekend.  She's trying to improve her image according to the news reports.  Only Hillary and her advisers could think that she can fix her problems through attempts at comedy.  After all, Clinton's big problem is that she is a liar and is perceived as dishonest by about two thirds of all Americans (the others aren't paying attention.)  Do they really think that people who recognize Hillary as untrustworthy will suddenly say, "Wow, we thought she was a liar, but now that she went on SNL, she's clearly honest."

The main problem, however, is not the idiotic view by the Clintonistas that her honesty problem can be solved in this way.  NO, the big problem is that Hillary is not funny and that will hurt SNL this week.  Anyone who saw Hillary's last appearance on SNL in 2008 may remember that it was strained and boring.  In truth, Hillary ought to compete on Dancing with the Stars.  At least in that case we could get a laugh watching her dance (or try to).


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