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Monday, October 5, 2015

More Dishonesty from the Queen of Dishonesty

This morning the headline on Drudge is "Hillary Tries Angry" which links to a story from Clinton-supporter Business Insider that describes Hillary's response to questions about the Benghazi committee on the Today Show.  Sometimes, this stuff really gets boring.  For years, Hillary wouldn't talk about Benghazi.  Then she testified before Congress and said "What difference, at this point, does it make?"  Then she went back into hiding on the subject.  The investigation, however, continued, and it uncovered much of what we know about Hillary's private unsecured email system.  But for this committee, would we know about what seem like illegal acts by Mrs. Clinton.  She stored classified information on a private, unsecured server and gave access to that information to her lawyer and to some computer maintenance people in Colorado who did not have the required security clearances.  General Petreus was convicted of a crime for showing, not giving, classified information in his personal journals to his biographer who DID have a security clearance, just not a high enough one to see all the info.  Hillary has lied and lied and lied when it comes to her email.  Each week she comes out with a new story that unravels quickly.  She started angry at the UN when she told us that there was no classified info on the email, ever, period.  She switched to hiding from the story when she had no answers to it.  Then she went to playing dumb and trying to joke about it, like her crack about "wiping" the server with a cloth.  Then she went to apologetic about the subject as the noose began closing.  All the time, she tried to change the subject.  Now she's back to angry.

Here's the point:  Hillary's anger is no more believable than all of her previous positions on this subject.  Rather than showing emotions and trying to hide behind the deaths of four men FOR WHICH SHE IS MOSTLY RESPONSIBLE because she failed to prepare for the 9-11 anniversary in 2012, Hillary ought to try the one thing she never has tried before.  Hillary ought to just tell the nation the truth about Benghazi, about her email system and all the rest.  The problem, of course, is that Hillary still wants to be president and she knows that were the full truth to come out that dream would end.  No phony anger will make anyone start to believe her, though.


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