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Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Stupidity of the West

Here's two events that need to be compared:

1.  Russia launches day after day of airstrikes in Syria.  Only one ISIS target was hit; all of the rest (over 50 in total) were not ISIS or ISIS related.  Massive numbers of people were killed and according to observers on the ground, roughly three quarters of the dead are civilians.  The other quarter are Sunni rebel fighters who are also fighting ISIS.

2.  The Taliban tries to take the city of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan.  During the counterstrike by Afghan forces, American planes bomb Taliban positions.  One out of the many targets turns out to be a medical facility which may have been used by the Taliban; that is not clear.  In the strike on the medical facility, nine doctors and staff were hit.

So tell me, which of these two brings condemnation from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights as a possible war crime?  Is it the one in which three days of relentless bombing at many locations kill over 100 civilians who were nowhere near ISIS positions?  Is it the bombing of one site where nine medical staff were mistakenly hit?  If you guessed that it was the second one, you are correct.  The UN is busy condemning the American airstrike, but it is totally silent on the large number of Russian attacks on civilians.

And what happens next?  It's easy.  The USA and other countries in the West will focus on investigating what happened in Kunduz and no one will say a damn thing about the Russian slaughter of civilians in Syria.  It's all part of the stupidity of the West.  Indeed, if you really want to see stupidity, take a look at the coverage of the Israeli attempts to stop Arab men from throwing stones at police and tourists in Jerusalem and the coverage of the Assad regime slaughtering over 200,000 people by using chemical weapons, air strikes with anti-personnel bombs and murder of civilians.  For the media, Assad may kill 200,000 people but those Israeli police stopping the stone throwing are the real bad guys.  It's stupid for sure, but what is worse is that no one stops it.

If America ever gets into a new war during the Obama years, most likely each army unit will have multiple lawyers assigned to it.  The lawyers will need to study and decide whether or not each shot can be taken.


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