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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Is Rubio Winning in Florida?

The polls all say that Trump is ahead in Florida.  Of course, last week the polls all said that Hillary would beat Sanders in Michigan by over 20%, yet he won.  Today, we have a sign that perhaps things are not going so well for Trump in the Sunshine State.  Specifically, Trump is now accusing the Rubio campaign of trying to rig the early voting in the state.  There's no details at all given by Trump as to how this supposed "rigging" is being done.  Given the fact that it is the huge number of local governments that run early voting across the state, it is hard to imagine just how that process could be rigged.  There are no reports of people being denied the chance to vote.  The Monmouth Poll found that Rubio was leading among those who said they had already voted by 2-1 over Trump.  Maybe that poll was correct.  That would explain Trump's strange claim of vote rigging.  Maybe Trump understands that he is in danger of losing in Florida.  What better way to explain away a loss than to claim that the voting was rigged?

Who knows what is the actual reason for this latest Trump charge?  It's safe to say that the votes are not rigged; yet, there's the Donald sending out the charge anyway.  Maybe it's a harbinger of good news.

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