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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Let's Be Clear What Happened

The usual people have been saying the expected things in response to the Islamic terror attack in Orlando.  There have also been some responses that weren't expected.

1.  Tom Brokaw already made his pronouncement this morning that both parties need to have a calm discussion about gun control in response to Orlando.  That response, or something close to it has been also forthcoming from all of those who immediately decide that any shooting is the result of the lack of gun control laws.  None of these comments mention Islamic terror, ISIS or the warning issued by ISIS three days ago that an attack was coming in Florida.  In other words, it's the usual liberal BS that uses gun control as a way to try to hide from the reality of Islamic terrorism.  Indeed, the terrorist who carried out the attack was licensed to carry his weapons.  That means that he had passed all the background checks and other requirements for owning a gun in Florida.  Simply put, no gun law would have stopped this from happening.

2.  We also have gotten a number of comments calling the terrorists a "lone wolf" and pointing out that there are no known ties to ISIS or al Qaeda.  Congressman Peter King who is on the House committee that most deals with terrorism did say, however, that the Islamic gunman had received weapons training in Afghanistan.  That's pretty much of the death knell for the "lone wolf" comments.  Of course, reality will not stop them from coming.

3.  The father of the terrorist told a reporter that his son was just angry at gays.  In other words, the murders were just a hate crime by an enraged Moslem who decided to murder 50 gays while wearing a suicide vest.  It's a sad world when the father of a terrorist decides to defend his son by claiming he committed only an extraordinarily heinous hate crime rather than a terrorist act.

4.  The usual Democrat politicians are refusing to label this an act of terror.  Hillary Clinton still hasn't mentioned terrorism or even that the terrorist was a Moslem.  Other Democrat pols like Connecticut governor Dan Malloy are following the same path.  President Obama has said nothing although his spokesman did issue a statement that was silent on the terrorism aspect of the attack.

There's really no mystery what happened here.  There are only people who have to deny reality in order to keep to their political narratives and to be politically correct.  How many people have to die before America jettisons political correctness?

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