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Thursday, November 10, 2016

How To Open A Closed Mind

Since the election, there have been a whole host of epiphanies.  Perhaps the biggest one of all has been the reaction of investors to the election of Donald Trump.  For months, we were told that Trump would tank the market and that investors really supported Hillary Clinton.  Now Trump has won and the markets have reacted with what appears to be joy.  Suddenly, the investors realize that Trump will boost the economy while Hillary would have slowed it even further.  That's not something new to discover.  Instead, it is just that the investors are now able to focus on the facts without keeping their minds closed.

There are, however, still enormous numbers of people who won't open their mind.  I know people who supported Hillary who still cannot discuss the results without turning to mindless rage.  How dare the American people not agree with their view!

How will the USA ever get these people to open their closed minds?  The truth is that some of these people will never open their eyes let alone their minds.  For most people, however, the best method is for Trump to succeed.  If Trump and the GOP Congress can get things done which help the country, there will be more and more people who will open their minds.  For example, if the economy starts growing normally after eight years of stunted growth, millions will notice.  If there is a drop in illegal immigration and a concomitant drop in drugs and crime, people will notice.

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