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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Here's the Ultimate In Fake News

Here's the headline from Newsweek this evening: 

Donald Trump Refuses to Send More Aid to Puerto Rico, Citing Business Interests

Here's how the story begins:

President Donald Trump has made it clear his administration isn't planning to allow any additional outside aid to get into Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.
Speaking with reporters on Wednesday afternoon, the president cited business interests as the reason for refusing calls from lawmakers and activists to allow international organizations and governments to ship aid to the island

There's a big problem with this story, however.  IT'S NOT TRUE.  IT'S FAKE NEWS!!!!

The President never refused to allow organizations and other government to send aid to Puerto Rico.  Nothing even close to that happened.  There is no bar to shipment of aid to the island.  All that has happened is that the federal government has not waived the Jones Act.  That law says that shipments of cargo from one American port to another must go on US  flagged ships.  If the government of Canada wants to ship aid from Montreal to Puerto Rico, it can send that aid on any ship it wants.  There is no bar.  If the American Red Cross wants to ship aid to Puerto Rico, it can use one of the many American flag cargo ships in the regions to ferry the aid.  It's just that simple.  THE STORY IS A TOTAL LIE!!!

I've written before about how the mainstream media and the Democrats are trying to convince America that President Trump does not care about Puerto Rico because the people are Hispanic.  It's another lie.  For a day they put out stories about supposed poor responses by the federal government to the disaster on the island.  Then the governor of Puerto Rico and the mayor of San Juan came forward to praise the work of FEMA and the entire federal government in responding to the crisis.  In fact, so much aid has arrived that it has backed up in the ports due to problems of transportation on the island due to roads that are still being cleared of debris and a shortage of trucks (due to hurricane damage).  That pretty much destroyed the whole narrative by the media and the Democrats.  Since that failed, they have no moved on to completely making up phony stories. 

It's disgusting.  There are enough problems in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico due to the hurricanes.  The Democrats should not try to make things worse by being dishonest about conditions there.

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