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Thursday, December 28, 2017

It Must Be Global Warming

The nation is caught in a severe cold snap.  Right now, it's eleven degrees outside, and that's mild compared to many other places.  The forecast says we won't see temperatures above freezing for another week.  I figure I ought to follow the usual media route and blame this on climate change.  We must be seeing global cooling, right? 

For years, no matter what happens in the weather, the media blamed global warming or climate change.  First they told us the sea levels would rise due to a melting polar ice cap.  That was because of global warming.  Then, measurements showed that the ice in Antarctica was increasing at a rapid rate.  The media said it was due to climate change too.  Next, they told us that there would be more severe weather and that it would be stronger, again due to climate change.  Then we went a record dozen years without a strong storm hitting the USA; the media said it was due to climate change.  The new storyline was that climate change actually reduces the number and severity of storms.  Then in 2016 we got a series of very severe storms that hit the USA.  The media flipped the story back to the original one and we were told it was all due to climate change which causes more and stronger storms.  So both stronger and weaker storm patterns are due to climate change according to the media.  Indeed, no matter what happens, it seems to be due to climate change.  Hey, the Shiites and Sunnis in Syria are killing each other in a civil war and the media even blamed that on climate change.

As a result, I have decided that the current cold snap must be due to global cooling.  The media told us that cooling was imminent in the 1970s.  It was probably "settled science" back then. 

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