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Friday, May 18, 2018

What Is The Sound Of One Clapper Yapping?

The former Director of National Intelligence, Mr. Clapper, was on CNN last night and he told the audience that it was a good thing that the FBI had a spy or spies in the Trump campaign.  In that way, Clapper confirmed (wittingly or not) that there indeed was a spy placed in the Republican presidential campaign by the Obama administration intelligence agencies.  It's a chilling thought.  It's one thing to speculate as to whether or not Obama was spying on the GOP.  It's something else entirely to have the former DNI proudly confirm that it happened and to claim it was a good thing.  It's even worse when the DNI bases that claim on something that didn't happen, namely, any Russian involvement with the Trump campaign.

In 2020, will Clapper think it a good idea if the Trump FBI spies on the campaign of Elizabeth Warren to see if there is undue influence being exerted on that campaign by the Cherokee Nation?  Will he think it a good idea if the Trump FBI surreptitiously places and agent in the campaign of Kamala Harris looking for the activities of the Chinese government?  What about looking for Iranian involvement in the Kerry campaign?  The point is that in none of these circumstances would it be a good thing to place an agent into a campaign unless there were actual proof of foreign infiltration, something that did not exist with Trump in 2016.  Political campaigns by opposition parties have to be allowed to proceed without government surveillance.  It's a basic part of what it means to be an American.  There needs to be severe and quick justice handed out to everyone involved in putting an agent into the Trump campaign.  If that means that the heads of the FBI and CIA under Obama as well as DNI Clapper have to go to jail, then let's get them there quickly.  This is the most serious threat to the political freedom of Americans that I can recall.

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