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Monday, January 16, 2012

Mitt Romney, Racist?

The other day, Mitt Romney met an unemployed woman in South Carolina who told him a rather desperate story of how badly she was doing. Romney spoke to her and, before she left, Romney gave her some money (50 or 100 bucks depending on the story) so that she would have something to tide herself over for a day or so. Now the left is out saying that Romney is racist to have done this.

Charges of racism are trotted out every day by the left. It has become a joke. Had Romney ignored the woman's plea for help, that would undoubtedly been called racist. Instead, Romney gave the woman charity, something most people would applaud. Not the left! No, giving charity is racist! Want to hear the explanation? Well, by giving the woman charity, Romney reinforced the view of black people as dependent and incapable of fending for themselves. Funny, isn't it? Earlier today, I wrote in a sarcastic manner that Obama's drive to prevent photo ID requirements for voters was racist since it painted minorities as unable to fend for themselves when it comes to getting identification like a drivers license (we all know how hard it is to get those.) Now, here comes MSNBC making the point for real that when Romney gives private help to a woman in need, it is racist. These people have collectively lost their minds. Calling someone a racist in America has been reduced to a joke. No one could take is seriously anymore after hearing a charge like this.

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