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Monday, June 10, 2013

The Syrian War Spreads

Another few steps down the road towards a regional war in the Middle East came over the weekend.  First, there was fighting in Beirut, Lebanon.  This was a gun battle between rival Shiite militias in front of the Iranian embassy.  One group came to protest, and then Hezbollah opened fire on them.  In the fighting that ensued, armored vehicles and tanks were used.  Second, Austria made the decision to pull out its peacekeeping force on the Golan Heights in the zone separating Syria and Israel.  Other countries have also pulled their forces, so the UN force is now woefully under strength.  In 1967, the UN peacekeepers were pulled out of the Sinai in the area between Israel and Egypt and the Six Day War followed.  If all the UN forces leave Syria, the chances for battles between Israeli and Syrian forces rise dramatically.  Third, in an effort to take advantage of the problems with the UN force, the Russians have offered to send their troops to that border region.  This would be a disaster.  Indeed, the UN resolution that set up the peace keeping force bars any permanent member of the Security Council (including Russia) from furnishing troops to the peacekeeping force.  Sending a military force from Russia which would undoubtedly provide support to Assad, would make a mockery of the concept of peacekeeping. 

The last item on the list is the news that the USA is now considering providing arms to the rebels.  Now we all know what it means when president Obama "considers" something:  we probably have many months before a decision is made.  Still, the idea that Obama waited until the rebels are being led by al Qaeda allied groups before sending arms is incredibly stupid.  Early on, this move could have kept the terrorists out.  Now, we would be arming our enemies.



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