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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

OMG -- Did the New York Times Really Say This?

I read today what was perhaps the most bizarre thing that I have ever seen in the pages of the New York Times.  Here is what the Times said today about president Barack Obama:

While other presidents have put the bully in the bully pulpit, Mr. Obama uses his megaphone, and the power that comes with it, sparingly, speaking out when he decides his voice can shape the trajectory of an issue and staying silent when he thinks it might be counterproductive.


This is the president who has been campaigning non-stop both before and after the election.  Just this past week, Obama embarked on yet another effort to convince America that Obamacare is actually a good thing and not the disaster that it clearly is.  Sure, Obama has stayed silent on some issues; Syria is a good example.  Obama kept quiet when a few words from him might have pushed Assad over the edge and ended the civil war in that country before 110,000 people died, before Iran and Hezbollah had troops stationed in Syria, and before the rebels got taken over by friends of al Qaeda.  Or how about Egypt?  There Obama ran to call for the ouster of Hosni Mubarak (our friend) so that he could be replaced by Islamic extremists from the Moslem Brotherhood.  Then when the people and the army threw out the Moslem Brotherhood, Obama shut up.  Way to go, Mr. President.  We also have the issue of the economy.  Apparently Obama must think that speaking about the needs of the people is counterproductive.  Sure, he talks about raising taxes which would hurt growth and destroy jobs, but he is quiet about how to grow the economy.  (I don't count the call for universal pre-kindergarten.  No sane person could believe that this will lead to economic growth and Obama knows that.)

Obama spoke out about Trayvon Martin.  The Times must think he was "shaping the trajectory" of that issue.  Towards what?  Riots?

Obama said nothing about the IRS persecuting conservatives, Christians, Jews and pro-life groups.  Would condemning that illegal, indeed criminal behavior by the IRS and his own administration be "counterproductive"?  Obama has said next to nothing about Benghazi.  To this day, we still have no idea where he was while the terrorists were attacking our people in Libya for nearly twelve hours with the result that four died.  Would it be counterproductive to tell us the truth? 

I could go on with the list, but there is no need.  The truth is that Obama generally hides from difficult issues and sticks with frequently phony talking points when he address most things.  He is not following some crafty plan to move the country forward.  Obama is doing what he can to promote only one thing:  Barack Obama.  And he is doing a pretty awful job of that.



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