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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Can't They Help It?

I watched Jay Carney tell the media today that the big report on intelligence gathering and the NSA which was released in part by the White House had "nothing" to do with Edward Snowden, the guy who stole enormous amounts of NSA secrets and leaked them to the press.    What will the Obama White House tell us tomorrow?  My suggestion is this:  the sun rising has nothing to do with when daylight begins.

We have gone through all sorts of levels of lying in the Obama White House.  First there were the claims that those paying attention knew to be false but which most people did not recognize as phony until years later.  For example, we have Obama telling us that his is the "most transparent" administration in history.  Then there were the lies about things so complicated that very few people could figure out that they were lies until years later.  The biggie here is "if you like your plan and your doctor, you can keep them."  Then there were the lies about whether or not the White House had knowledge of something.  My favorite in this category is Obama's claim that he learned about the IRS targeting of conservative from the news media when the story broke.  Even when we found out that members of Obama's Cabinet knew of the problem six months before the story broke and that senior White House staff knew over a month before the story came out, the president continued with his phony claims of ignorance.  All of these were lies, but despite the avalanche of untruths, there were few where any American would know immediately that the Obamacrats were just directly lying to us.  Carney's claim today falls squarely into that last category.  No one is talking about the NSA and no one is considering changes to its mandates or procedures until Snowden makes worldwide news by leaking many of the agency's secrets.  In response, Obama orders a major review of NSA procedures and guidelines.  Jay Carney then blatantly lies by saying the two are unrelated.

I have often felt that president Obama cannot help himself when it comes to lying; he is pathological.  Now it seems, the entire administration has adopted that approach.  Why would the White House spokesman cede his credibility by lying directly to the press?  It just makes no sense at all.


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