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Friday, December 13, 2013

Don't They Have Anything Else To Do?

Have you heard about the "controversy" involving Fox News' Megyn Kelly?  If not, you need to know that on Wednesday, Kelly said that Santa Claus was a white man.  Oh, the horror of it all!  Really, I am not making this up.  Kelly was commenting on an article in which the author called for the end of portraying Santa as white; needless to say, Kelly disagreed.

After those comments, the mainstream media lefties have gone into overdrive to express their indignation that Kelly would dare say that Santa is white.  Don't they have anything else to do?  Have they really been reduced to this?

Santa Claus is based upon a character that originated in the Netherlands.  It is, therefore, no surprise that Santa, like his Dutch creators, is portrayed as a white man.  Indeed, the man in the red suit with the white beard and all the other Santa paraphernalia has been white for as long as he has been shown in America.  That doesn't mean that a black man cannot portray Santa any more than it means that an Asian woman cannot portray Santa.  It just means that the commonly accepted image of Santa is of a white male.  Even if the liberals don't like that, it does not change anything.  Kelly is correct.

Then there is the second part of the controversy.  Kelly also said on the same show that Jesus was white.  Just why this would be controversial is beyond understanding.  We know the history of the world since the time of Jesus.  There were no great migrations that would have replaced the people in the land which is now Israel with white people.  The Palestinians and the Jews in Israel are white, just like the Jews in Judea two thousand years ago.  Of course, Jesus was white. 

The real question, however, is what difference does it make?  Can it really be controversial to recite actual facts because only one skin color is involved?  The point of Jesus' life was not skin color.  Indeed, anyone who would think that does not even come close to an actual understanding of the real meaning.


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