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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Even Telling Lies Requires at Least a Bit of Intelligence

I laughed out loud when I saw the story at Yahoo News (of all places) under this headline:

Congresswoman who co-sponsored Bush impeachment bill said Democrats never tried to impeach Bush

The Congresswoman in question is Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee who has never been known for her intellect.  Even so, it boggles the mind to think that this fool would get up on the floor of the House and state that it is "a historical fact that President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists.  We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”

I know that the Democrats are desperate to change the focus of the nation from all the disasters that are coming due to president Obama's failures to do his job and that the latest ploy is to falsely accuse Republicans of plotting Obama's impeachment.  It is a stupid lie, but the Democrats clearly seem to think that their base will accept it nevertheless.  Still, it is one thing to tell lies in support of a political position; the Dems do that all the time (If you like you plan, you can keep it................)  It is something else entirely to tell a lie that can easily be disproven, like saying that the Dems made no efforts to impeach Bush when they clearly did just the opposite.  Even so, it is unimaginably idiotic for one of those who co-sponsored the effort to impeach Bush to now claim in the House that no such effort was ever made.  As a result, Representative Lee look stupid, even for her, and that is truly saying something.

Oh, and you need to know that Ms. Lee's office defended her statement by claiming that she misspoke.

In that spirit, let me add that if anything I said above offended any of my readers, then I must have misspoken.  Yeah, that's the ticket.

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