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Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Few Key Points About Hillary's Emails That Seem To Be Getting Lost

The Clinton campaign has been trying with some success to change the story about Hillary's potential criminal sending of classified information on her private email system into one about the accuracy of the New York Times reporters who broke the story.  In all the swirling story lines, howeve, two key points seems to getting lost.

First, we have the news that a review of Hillary's emails found four that contained classified information.  That news has been spun already by the Hillary campaign as "only four in 50,000 emails?  And those four probably weren't even classified at the time."  But that spin is totally wrong.

What has happened is that the non-partisan Inspector General of the Intelligence services had a random sample of forty of Hillary's emails selected.  Only those forty were reviewed to look for classified information.  Four of the forty were determined to contain classified information.  The Inspector General also made clear that each of the four email contained information THAT WAS CLASSIFIED AT THE TIME THEY WERE SENT.  That means that something like ten percent of Hillary's emails or 5000 contained classified information when she sent them. 

Second, there is the point that no one seems ever to mention; it was the Obama Administration that leaked the story.  The request by the two Inspectors General for a criminal investigation of Hillary's handling of email was given to the press by someone the Times identified as a "senior government official."  In reporter-speak that means that the story came from the White House.  You can be sure that nothing like this was leaked from the White House without the approval of the president.  This is not something that ought to be ignored.  We may be seeing the beginning of a pivot by the Obama White House towards support for Joe Biden or some candidate other than Hillary.


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