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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rediscovery of Audacity?

Yahoo News is featuring a column by Matt Bai today discussing how president Obama has "rediscovered his audacity" and how that will require a re-evaluation of his presidency.  It is an amazing document.

The reality is that Obama has decided that he no longer needs to obey the law or even the Constitution.  That led to his immigration actions which the courts have so far all found illegal and improper.  Bai thinks it was just audacious.  Obama's flouting the law also led to his orders regarding environment, work conditions and hours, and many other areas.  It's not audacity; it's more illegality.

Then we have Obama's "audacious" move regarding Iran.  Here too, Bai uses the wrong adjective.  My favorites to describe the Iran deal are delusional and idiotic.  If Iran uses its new $150 billion to fund terrorists around the Middle East and the world, is that an audacious result?  Yes, if you are an Iranian, but not so much for the average American.  If Iran uses its new nuclear freedom to secretly complete five or six bombs in the next three years, is that audacious?  Yes, if you are an Iranian, but not so much for the rest of the world.  Simply put, it is not audacious to do something that others think is foolish and misguided.  Running into traffic on a crowded highway may not be commonly done, but it is moronic nor audacious.

I can't wait for Obama to rediscover what it's like to be a former president.


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