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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

But It's A Political Witch Hunt

Let's try an experiment.  Imagine that there is a man who has done a series of illegal acts.  These are crimes which are serious enough to have placed the national security of the USA in jeopardy.  As the illegal acts have been uncovered, the perpetrator has consistently changed his story about what happened, but his excuses have been revealed as lie after lie.  Would you care if you heard that those who are investigating and uncovering this wrongdoing were motivated in part by politics?  I don't think so.  Perpetrators of criminal acts need to be punished even if the prosecutors have multiple motives.

This is an important experiment, because it demonstrates the futility of the current counter offensive by Hillary Clinton regarding her clearly improper email system.  Let's put it this way:  if Hillary Clinton illegally stored, transmitted and received classified information on her private system, then she deserves the consequences of such illegal acts.  That is true no matter what the motive of the prosecuto


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