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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How Desperate is Hillary? Very!

In what has to be the most disgusting move so far in a rather disgusting political season, the Politico is now reporting that the story of how the late Beau Biden told his father to run for president was actually leaked by Joe Biden to the media.  Think about that and consider just how awful that story truly is.  There's Joe with his son who is dying of cancer.  Beau makes a plea to his father to run for president, and Joe's supposed response is to leak the story to the media.  At least that's what Politico is now reporting.  The problem, however, is that there is no way that this is true.  Joe Biden may be a politician, but there is no way that his ambition was stronger than his love for his son.  It is inconceivable that Biden would use his dying son as a prop to launch a political campaign.  Without a doubt, both father and son probably told other family members and friends of the conversation.  One of them could easily have repeated the story to the media.

So the question then arises, if Joe Biden did not leak this story to the media (something which is certainly the case), how did Politico get the story that he did?  After all, who benefits from a story that makes Biden look like an unfeeling monster who is more interested in getting some good press for a run for the White House than in the last moments he had with his dying son?  The answer is rather obvious:  Hillary Clinton.  Hillary is already seen by most people as having a single minded goal of being president.  She stuck with a husband who regularly cheated on her and humiliated her because that was where the road to the White House lay.  She took strong and heartfelt positions on all manner of issues only to change to the opposite side when it looked like that might help here politically.  She lied almost non-stop to the American people.  All of it was to help her get her goal of the White House.

But will Hillary actually gain from this latest move?  How many Americans will believe a planted story that Biden is a monster, and how many will believe that this is an incredibly low blow by Hillary?  We will have to wait and see how this plays out, but it certainly looks like a move by an extremely desperate person.


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