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Monday, October 17, 2016

Mosul Attack Begins

Is it just me, or have we reached a new low in national government?  Two important things have been discussed in the last week regarding national security.  First, the Obama administration has told the world that it is about to strike back at the Russians with a cyber attack in response to the hacking of various Democrat party sites.  Second, after weeks of pre-announcements, the attack to retake Mosul has begun.  It seems that these have been timed for maximum impact on the US election.

Think about it.  The point of a cyber attack is supposed to be that no one can be certain just who carried it out.  If people like vice president Biden are discussing the American counter-attack on the Russians, it will be hard later to deny US involvement in whatever happens.  Putin and his government are supposed to suspect American involvement but not know for certain.  That lowers the risk of further attacks and counterattacks.  It reduces the chance of the whole thing getting out of control and causing a war.  For Obama and the Democrats, however, winning the election is more important that avoiding a war with Russia.

As far as the Mosul attack is concerned, I predicted six months ago that it would begin two or three weeks before the election.  Like clockwork, the attack is starting now, which coincidently is three weeks before the election.  The Mosul attack shows the coalition forces moving forward and ISIS falling back.  By election day it will likely be too soon to see major casualties on our side.  We could win the battle by then, but more likely it will remain unfinished.  We certainly won't lose the fight in Mosul by election day (or likely at all).  Hillary Clinton will be able to point to action at the time rather than all the years of mistakes by Obama and her with regard to ISIS.  It's a classic Potemkin village.

I would like to believe that these "coincidences" are not intentional moves by the Democrats to shore up their position in the election.  I would like to believe that they are not using the nation's security and the lives of our troops and people as simply a means to improve their chances in November.  I would like to.......but I can't.  I've seen them in action for too long.

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