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Monday, August 17, 2015

The Clinton Snowball

The number of Hillary Clinton emails that have been flagged as containing information that is classified has increased to 305 according to reports today.  To be clear, this is not 305 out of the 30,000 or so emails that Hillary turned over to the State Department; this is 305 out of the roughly 6000 of those emails that the State Department has reviewed so far.  If that rate holds for the rest of Hillary's emails, there will be something like 1500 emails that Hillary sent on her private unsecured server that contained classified information.

Hillary's new defense for her conduct is that it is all a partisan witch hunt by Republicans.  Of course, the problem with that defense is that it is clearly not true.

1.  The report that there are 305 emails now with classified information comes from a document filed by the Obama State Department with a federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton about twenty years ago.  No Republicans were involved.

2.  The seizure of Clinton's email server was done by the FBI of the Obama Justice Department, again with no Republican involvement.  There was no way that the FBI could leave secret national security information on Hillary's unsecured private server where it could be hacked by foreign operatives.

3.  The setting up of a separate private email system was done by Clinton herself with no Republican involvement or even knowledge that she was skirting the law like that.

4.  Using an unsecured private email system to send and receive classified information was done by Clinton or her immediate staff.  None of them are Republicans.

5.  The discovery that there is most likely a backup of all those emails that Clinton deleted on a second server came from the FBI and ABC News.  Neither or them are Republicans.

The truth is that the net is closing in on Hillary and her allegedly illegal conduct.  For the secretary of state who now wants to be president to put national security information in jeopardy just for her own political benefit ought to be enough to disqualify her for high office.  It may also be enough to send her to prison.  No claims of a non-existent partisan witch hunt change that reality.


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