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Monday, November 9, 2009

Hood - winked

The massacre at Fort Hood last week has spawned a plethora of articles in the main stream press about the traumas that poor Major Hassan suffered and how they led to his attack on his fellow soldiers. Huh? Where are the articles on the people he murdered? How about the articles on those he wounded? How about the articles on the foolishness of PC mandated overlooking of Hassan's internet rantings on the merits of suicide bombings? Why does this get coverage in only a few outlets?

We have just seen what appears to be the first major terrorist attack in the US since 9-11 and the media seems unwilling to recognize this. Similarly, the Obama administration seems likewise blind. We can survive another bout of media myopia. Blindness in the government, however, is just what led to 9-11 in the first place. At least Bill Clinton recognized the attack on the Cole as terrorism, not just the expression of mental illness due to the collective trauma suffered by the bombers.

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