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Monday, May 23, 2022

New American China Policy Enunciated By Biden -- Incomprehensible

 In the past the USA has had certain policies that were strategically vague.  Our adversaries were not supposed to know what the USA would do in certain important circumstances.

President Biden has modified this.  Now American foreign policy operates under a strategic incomprehensibility.  Not only do our adversaries not know what we would do in certain situations; now we ourselves don't know what we would do in most situations.

Biden was speaking about China and Taiwan.  Long-standing American policy is to keep vague whether US troops would defend Taiwan were Beijing to invade.  Biden said that we would deploy troops, but within an hour or two explained that our policy remained unchanged. Huh?

Hey, it's only a small country, right.  Taiwan can't matter right?

Biden is an incompetent moron --- RIGHT

Monday, May 16, 2022

Steps By Biden and the Dems to Stop Inflation Do NOT Exist

 Ass i write this, the biggest problem facing the US economy is inflation.  It started zooming upward about six months after Biden took office.  America was told not to worry: inflation was transitory.  Meanwhile, since it was supposedly transitory, inflation did not give rise to any counter measures by Biden or the Democrats.

After six months of transitory inflation, it was undeniable that inflation was gathering force rather than disappearing as the Biden transitory meme predicted.  At that point, one would have expected Bid or the Democrats in Congress to do something to fight this economic scourge.  But they haven't done anything.  Biden's sole move to fight inflation came after oil and natural gas prices doubled.  Biden could have resumed the Trump policies that led to a major growth in production of American oil and gas; that alone would have undone nearly all the increase in energy prices.  But no, Biden instead chose to release oil from our emergency reserves of oil.  That stopped the increase for now, but in a  few months when the reserves run out, we will see a major jump in prices once again.  Instead of putting out the fire, Biden and the Dems just tamped it down a bit so that it can come back stronger later.

Other than releasing oil reserves, Biden has done nothing to fight inflation.  NOTHING!!!!! 

The Dems and Biden always have someone else to blame for anything that goes wrong.  It doesn't matter if their statements are true, they always blame someone else.  It's hard to imagine anyone accepting the excuses pouring from Biden when he hasn't done anything

I predict that inaction in confronting inflation will be the undoing of the Biden administ6ration and Dem control of Congress.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Lies And More Lies About Abortion

 A short time ago, I saw a story on Instagram posted by a woman who runs PR for a large company.  She reported that a new brief from Justice Alito and Barrett discloses that they want to stop abortion in order to solve the shortage of babies available for adoption in the USA.  This is idiotic nonsense.  First, the only document that has been leaked from the Supreme Court is a draft of an opinion written in February by Judge Alito.  I've read the entire document; it says nothing about adoption at all.  It's a legal opinion, not a political argument.  In other words, the Instagram story is reporting a complete lie.

Further, Justices don't write briefs.  They just write opinions.  That makes clear also that her Instagram story is a lie.

Lastly, the Justices are legal scholars.  Alito would never base a constitutional argument on a political position.

It's crazy that responsible people fall for these lies

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Abortion Battle

 Someone leaked a draft of a possible decision from the Supreme Court in which the decision in Roe v. Wade is overturned. It returns control of abortion to the states. The media is doing its usual hysterical rant this time how such a decision would end a woman’s right to choose. As usual, the media hysteria is nonsense. States will decide the matter. In other words, women in NY, California and other similar places will see no limitation on abortions. Some states will place limits on abortions which won’t mean much. Others may ban abortions but they won’t be many. Further, if one state bans the procedure, most women can just go to the next state that allows it. Instead of 9 Justices in DC d egg coding for everyone (with no valid legal basis) elected state legislators will decide. If voters are unhappy they can just vote in new legislators. It’s called Democracy 

I guess the operative phrase here should be CALM DOWN