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Friday, February 26, 2010

Even for Obama this is amazing

The announcement by the USA that it will be neutral in the current dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom is perhaps the worst move yet by Obama in foreign or domestic policy -- and that is really saying something. The alliance with the Brits has been a cornerstone of American policy for close to a century. Certainly since 1941, Britain and Canada have been America's most important and consistant allies. We owe the Brits much more than a declaration of neutrality. Indeed, during the Falkland War, the USA supported the UK without question. For us now to announce that the UK is only the de facto ruler of the Falklands with no clear legal right to the Islands (as the US government just did) is unforgivable. It is hard to imagine what Obama could do that would be worse than this (ok, so he could have taken the side of Argentina). I guess Obama got this move out of his policy manual called "How to Lose Friends and Weaken a County"!

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