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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Rush -- What Can One Say

 Rush Limbaugh has died from lung cancer.  What can I say?  The man who was the ever cheerful voice of conservatism for millions of Americans is gone.  So far praise is rolling in from all manner of Republicans.  I looked for a comment from the White House, but there is none yet.  I doubt Biden will have anything to say.

I could heap praise on Rush, but I will let others do that.  All I can say is that I will miss him greatly.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ending Waste in Government

 The Senate just spent a week wasting time with an unconstitutional impeachment of a former president.  Now it's over.  Big deal!

President Trump was acquitted.  No surprise there.  Every Democrat ignored reality and voted to convict.  No surprise there either since they think this will help them politically.  (It won't)  All they have done is prove that the calls for "unity" were total BS.  It's much like Biden's pledge to fire any aide who failed to treat people appropriately.  Three weeks into his administration we learn that a deputy press secretary is sleeping with a reporter and threatening to destroy the career of another reporter who found out and was going to break the story.  Guess who wasn't fired?  That's right, the deputy press secretary.  Biden hasn't even offered an excuse for breaking this "solemn" promise.  It's just another lie.

Maybe now that the impeachment trial is over, Biden and the Democrats can try explaining their supposed policies.  So far, we have only gibberish and inane executive orders.  We can't just go for four years with the administration being opposed to Trump.  They're going to have to offer something.  Anything.  But don't hold your breath waiting for that.

Can Congress Impeach Itself

 I haven't watched even a second of the impeachment trial for President Trump.  The trial, like the last one, is devoid of evidence.  As a lawyer, it pains me to watch a mockery of supposedly legal proceedings staged for political purposes.  To date, there is no evidence that Trump incited any violence.  Indeed, he told the crowd on day of the demonstrations in the Capitol to be peaceful.  Those are hardly fighting words.  Last time, we had a transcript of exactly what Trump told the Ukrainian president, but we had an impeachment based upon hearsay evidence from people who didn't even hear the actual call.  Who were we to believe, the written transcript of the actual call, or the statements of witnesses who were just relaying what someone else told them had been said.

The Democrats have set a dangerous precedent.  They impeached the president twice for something other than the high crimes and misdemeanors that the Constitution requires.  If the GOP takes back Congress in 2022, will they feel the need to impeach Biden because he has done something they don't like.  For example, once Biden reinstates  DACA even though the president does not have the power to do so, will the GOP impeach Biden for going beyond his constitutional powers?  Why not?  The Dems did things like this.

I think it would be best for the country if Congress just resigned or impeached itself with a vote barring all members from ever running for office again.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Cuomo and the media

 NY governor Cuomo was a star of the pandemic.  When things were at their worst in NY, the governor held daily news conferences each morning and was treated like a savior/genius by the media.   This was at the same time that then President Trump held daily news conferences covering much the same information and was treated as a moron or buffoon by the same media.  It was bizarre at the time, especially since Cuomo had ordered NY nursing homes to admit patients with the virus who then infected most of the residents of the homes and killed off a substantial percentage of them.  I wrote about this insane, indeed criminal, order by Cuomo many times, but the mainstream media never covered Cuomo's actions.  Something like 13,000 nursing home residents died in NY last spring, but Cuomo refused to admit the truth.  Now, the truth is finally coming out in the media.  We now have staff members of Cuomo who are admitting that they and the governor covered up the truth by lying about the numbers of nursing home residents who died from the virus and the cause of those deaths (the governor's order).

It's likely that nothing will come of this now.  Democrats rarely prosecute other Democrats.  Still, Cuomo should be written out of public life even if he avoids criminal prosecution.

Cuomo wasn't the only state official to do this stuff.  The health commission in PA issued a similar order that put sick patients into nursing homes, thereby killing thousands of residents.  That official, who defended the order repeatedly, took her own mother out of a nursing home in order to protect her from infection.  Lest you think that she will be punished with Cuomo, note that Joe Biden appointed her to a high position in his administration.  Apparently, ordering the death of thousands is just a minor annoyance if one is a Democrat, especially if one is a minority as was the case here (she is transsexual).

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Secret To Watching MSNBC

 It’s funny. My wife is watching the BS coverage of the impeachment “trial” on MSNBC. Finally we’ve worked out the best way to do that. We keep the sound off  I especially enjoy watching the blowhards sitting the while I can’t hear them

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It's That Time Again -- The Media is Writing the Obit of the GOP

 I was struck this morming by an article in Salon proclaiming that the future of the Republican Party is bleak; according to the article, the GOP is now destined for oblivion.


Whenever the Dems win an election, that is followed by a stream of articles proclaiming the Republican Party dead or, at least, dying quickly.

In 1965, after Barry Goldwater was crushed by Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 election, the media geniuses told us that the GOP was dead.  Two years later in 1966, the GOP swept congressional seats in a smashing victory.  By 1968, the "dying" GOP took the White House with Richard Nixon.

After Watergate, we were again told that the GOP was dead.  Jimmy Carter, indeed, did squeak past Gerald Ford to take the White House, but things go so bad for the Dems that the GOP then won the next three presidential elections -- easily.

By 1992, Bill Clinton won election to the presidency even though he got only about 42% of the vote.  We were told by the media that the GOP was either dead or dying.  During Clinton's time in the White House, the GOP regained control of Congress for the first time in 44 years.  Since then, the Republicans have held the House for 20 of the next 28 years.  They also won 4 of 7 presidential elections.

By the early 2000's, the media told us that the changing nature of American demographics would guarantee perpetual Democrat victory.  Obama did win, but while he was in the White House, the GOP took control of the House, the Senate, the governorships, the state legislatures, etc.  Somehow, that inevitable ethnic stranglehold of the Dems didn't work.  Even in 2020, Trump carried Hispanics in Florida and did better among minority groups that he did in 2016.  Sure Biden "won" in an election tarnished by fraud and bogus votes.  Nothing indicated, however, that GOP support had waned in any way.

It doesn't matter.  No matter the actual facts, the mainstream media morons are going to spend the next year telling us that the GOP is dead.  

It isn't.

They won't stop, however, because they don't care.  They never have.  For them, a good propaganda story is better than something based upon the truth.