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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I love reading the pieces by the MSM types who dismiss today's tea parties as a right wing wacko movement. It tickles me how much they fail to get this movement. the essence of the tea party movement is that it is not an organized group event. No union, ACORN, Dem or Rep involvement. Just plain Americans getting together to try to show the government what they think of spending and tax increases of the crazy sort pushed by Obama and the Democrats. Nearly everyone at these rallies is not in the $250,000 per year bracket that Obama and his lackeys say will be the only ones taxed to pay for 101 gazillion new dollars of expenditures. These people, however, are too intelligent to fall for the scam pushed by the Obamacrats.

My favorite part of the scam is the answer given by Obamatons when asked about the soaring expenditures -- "Obama will cut the deficit by one-half in the next four years -- all the experts agree!!!"

These Dembots seem not to notice that Obama came into office with a projected deficit of $400 billion for the current year and immediately pushed through expenditures that drove the deficit up to nearly one and one-half trillion dollars for this year. It is this incredibly bloated deficit that Obama is supposedly going to cut in half. In other words, after the supposed 50% cut in the deficit, it will still be about 700 billion dollars a year -- almost double the deficit when Obama took office three months ago. for these idiots, it is as if history never happened.

I hope the Obamatons remain as unhearing and unseeing as they are right now. they will get a rude shock in 2010 when they get bounced out of congress on their asses.

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