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Friday, September 18, 2009

settlements unsettled

The news today is that Obama's Middle East Czar George Mitchell has been unable to reach a settlement settlement. In other words, there is no deal between the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority with regard to Israeli settlements.

What a surprise! Obama publicly calls for the Israelis to freeze all settlements and then expects that his envoy (excuse me czar) will be able to reach a deal on them. why would the arabs ever agree to anything less than what Obama called for: a complete freeze on Israeli settlements. Indeed, since we now know that according to people like Jimmy Carter and Nancy Pelosi, Obama is the victim of constant racist attacks, it makes perfect sense for this paragon of equality to come out in favor of Jewish free zones in territory controlled by Israel. Carter supports this strongly; yet, he accuses the Israelis of apartheid. Any casual observer would understand that the settlement freeze is apartheid. So Carter endorses Obama's call for segregation in the Middle East while criticizing the Israelis for segregation that they do not carry out. After all, if the Obamacrats can claim racism here at home against people who do no more than point out the obvious idiocy of many of Obama's policies, it makes sense that they would promote segregation in the Middle East while calling those who do not segregate segregationists.

Once again, the common thread for the Obamacrats and their fearful leader -- they lie, and constantly!

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