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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Smell the desperation!

the announcement that Obama is going to address a joint session of Congress with regard to health care is a sure sign of panic at the White House. After all, the big gun of the administration is the teleprompter - reading skill of the president. He trotted out his speechifying on a number of occasions in July and August to support Obamacare. He also addressed a number of purportedly unscripted questions at town hall meetings. The net effect of these appearances was a decline in support for both the president and his proposals. The American people finally have woken up to realize that when the big O (pronounced big zero) steps out on the stage to read his poll tested lines (which have no relation to the truth), they should not take him at face value. We have to read the text of the bills and not listen to the pablum spouting from the big O.

My guess is that the ratings for this address to congress will not be very good. After all, how many times do we need to hear the same thing over and over from this man. Perhaps, if he would put forth an actual proposal and distribute it to the country via the media, he might have some better success. Indeed, if Obama could speak in specifics, he might be helped in some quarters. At least the irrational fears of many might be lessened. On the other hand, with a concrete proposal, the talking points used by the Obamacrats would have to be modified to reflect reality. That ought to be enough to kill any chance for passage of this bill.

Obama tried to get this proposal through congress based upon nothing more than a smile and a load of BS. He lost the trust of the majority of the people. He will not get their trust back with another in his endless series of speeches. He will have to produce some results first. Who knows, maybe by next week, unemployment will have been brought down to 6% due to the stimulus bill. Maybe the war in Afghanistan will end. Maybe aliens will land on the White House lawn. The longer this mess goes on, the worse it gets for the Obamacrats. It couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people.

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