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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Amazing even for the Obama administration

According to Yahoo news, in testimony this morning, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that he was not consulted on whether the Detroit Christmas bomber Abdulmutallab should be questioned by the recently created High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG.

"That unit was created exactly for this purpose," Blair said. "We did not invoke the HIG in this case. We should have."

So, after weeks of sloughing off complaints that the administration should not have allowed the Detroit bomber to be treated as an ordinary criminal, the head of all US intelligence admits just that. How can the administration go on ignoring the complaints now? Indeed, since this issue was one of the main ones that propelled Brown to his win in the Mass Senate race yesterday, one would think that Obama and his minions would now focus renewed attention on this sore spot. Apparently not!

Some day, I hope that we once again have a government that actually thinks that keeping Americans safe is more important that the sensibilities ond supposed rights of those who are trying to kill Americans. My guess is that we will have to wait three years and a day for that.

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