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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Some Things Dont Change

 After the poolsters blew it so badly in November's voting, one might think that they would become more careful.  WRONG.

Here's a great example.  Today, real clear politics published two polls regarding the approval by the public of President Trump's job performance.  Rasmussen finds the public approves by 1%.  On the other hand, Politico finds the public disapproves by 18%.  This is not just a statistical error.  It is way past that.  These are numbers that mean that one poll is just totally wrong, and both may be..

Apparently, the total failure to predict so many outcomes this year meant nothing to the pollsters.  They just go on with their bogus polls and polling methods so as to put out garbage as "news".

Someone ought to be able to sue to the pollsters for malpractice.

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