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Friday, January 1, 2021

Amazing Double Standard

 I just read the umpteenth article complaining the the Trump administration is not "fully cooperating" with the transition to Biden and his administration of mostly retreads from the Obama years.  It's an amazing double standard.  Remember, we now know for certain that during the transition from Obama to Trump, people at the highest levels of the government including Joe Biden himself schemed to create a phony narrative of "Russian collusion" and to ensnare many in the new Trump administration in that mess.  Biden and others tried to bring down President Trump and his people with phony criminal matters.  Four years later, the same group of retread thugs are complaining that they aren't getting enough meetings and access to the inner workings of the government from the Trumpsters.  Amazing!

Of course, the media is following the Dem line totally.  So what else is new?

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