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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Inflation? Who cares, say the Dems

 The USA is experiencing inflation of a sort not seen for about 40 years.  Prices are soaring but old Joe Biden says not to worry.  The price rises will slow and stop at some point in the future according to geriatric Joe.  The Dems and their support chorus in the mainstream media all repeat that "defense".

Are they kidding?  If you spend $40,000 per year on necessities for your family and inflation hits 6%, you need an extra $2400 or $200 per month just to buy the same stuff in the following year.  If inflation ends, that extra $2400 stays every year.  If inflation just slows, then the $2400 grows larger and larger each year.  Now if you're a millonaire Dem in the White House or Congress, you don't care cause the $2400 is penny ante stuff.  For the average American, however, this is a big big big problem.  The Dems' telling us all not to worry while doing nothing to end the problem is really nothing than another big lie from Biden and the Dems.  Do they really think they can fool us all?

Let's go Brandon!

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