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Monday, November 15, 2021

Those Mean Republicans Citing Actual Facts

 I chuckled this afternoon as I read the latest "explanation" in The New Yorker telling us why inflation and supply chain problems are not Joe Biden's fault and how the Republicans are mean spirited for telling America the contrary.  That's a hoot!

When he came into office, Biden took immediate steps that have resulted in the USA producing about 12-15% less oil and gas today as it did in January of 2020.  If you take away 12-15% of the supply, guess what?  Prices go up and quickly.  Even worse, Biden's new regulations and restrictions will continue to reduce American oil and gas production in the coming years.  Prices will just get higher and higher as shortages continue.

Then there are the shortages of materials coming into our ports.  It seems that there just aren't enough trucks to carry all the goods that have to get to market.  Biden has done nothing to change this.  NOTHING!  When there were shortages of transport and materials during the COVID early days Trump's COVID task force run by Mike Pence got manufacturers to make more needed items like ventilators.  The Trump administration also used military personnel to transport needed items around the country to make sure that shortages were alleviated as quickly as possible.  Biden hasn't done anything of the sort.  In fact, the guy heading the Biden regime's response to all the shortages and port problems is Pete Buttigieg who left for 6 months paternity leave through the heart of the problem.  They didn't even get a replacement to run the Transportation department in his absence.  Things just drifted.  That's Biden management (or lack of management) for you.

The reality is that inflation and shortages are not SOLELY Biden's fault.  Still, he has done nothing to help solve the problems and he has done a whole lot to make them worse.  No amount of phony spin in lefty magazines like the New Yorker can change that basic truth.

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