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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Iran away

Given the weak actions by the Obamacrats and their "fearless leader" to the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon, its is seeming more and more likely that the plan by the white house for dealing with Iran is to adopt the plan of the other "fearless leader" and to send Boris and Natasha. Maybe the Iranians will be easier to deal with than Moose and Squirrel. Sadly,Obama had and still has the perfect opportunity to carry out his oft stated pledge and meet with the Iranians -- and to use that meeting to tell the Iranians that if they move forward with their nuclear plans, they will face the full might of the USA. Would the Iranians back down -- my belief is that they would, although nothing is certain. given that our choice is to run away from the problem, the likelihood of preventing an Iranian weapon is nonexistent.

One has to wonder what it would take for obama to get excited about a foreign threat. Oh wait, he already told us. If the Israelis allow another settlement to be built, the world will al but come to and end.

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