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Friday, May 8, 2009

Pelosi's enhanced lying techniques.

As one of the main purveyors of the "Bush lied people died" meme, Nancy Pelosi claims to be on the side of truth. She should, assumedly, be someone with a modicum of honesty. No such luck. Instead, Pelosi is nothing but a lying politician who seems to think that the truth is the subject of "change we can believe".

For close to two years, the Speaker has claimed that she was never told that the US was using enhanced interrogation techniques, only that they had been approved for use. While this has been a rather thin defense (why did she not protest after the approval of these techniques for use if she opposed them?), it has now been proven that Pelosi's statements were lies. The CIA has released memoranda from 2002 which clearly record that Pelosi was fully briefed on the use of the techniques. Pelosi's predictable response -- she was never told that waterboarding had been used, only other techniques. I guess she is ok with sleep depravation and all the rest, just not waterboarding. It sure sounds like Pelosi herself is using enhanced lying techniques.

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