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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Obama, Iran and israel

Today, the Vice President of the United States is quoted as saying that the US will only be able to help Israel stop Iran from producing nuclear weapons if Israel agrees to a palestinian state. As usual, Joe Biden speaks in ignorance and even then messes things up more. First of all, Israel agreed to a two state solution during the days of Arafat. In the last year of the Clinton presidency, Ehud Barak offered Arafat 99% of everything he was asking for at the Camp David peace conference. As Abba Eban famously said, the Palestinians never lose and opportunity to lose and opportunity. Accordingly, Arafat's response was not to accept the offer which would have given the Palestinians a state for the first time in history; rather, he turned it down and began the Palestian terrorist uprising, the result of which has been misery for the Palestinians, economic ruin and the isolation of the Palestinians. Biden ignores this history and makes a statement which implies that the obstacle to peace in the middle east is the Israeli government. Somebody should tell Biden the buffoon to learn the facts before he speaks.

Even worse than being unaware of the facts, however, Biden is also backwards when it comes to the threat from Iran. True, Israel is at great risk from Iranian nuclear weapons, but so is the United States. If the mullahs get nukes, it would be easy for them to put some on freighter ships bound for US ports and to blow them up in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Miami. The Iranians have already made clear that they believe it to be the highest calling to die in a holy war, whether against Israel or the Great Satan, the USA. Quite simply, they do not care if the US retaliates with nukes against them. Biden the buffoon ignores this. By putting the Israelis in the middle here, he is doing great work for the Iranians. He has taken the focus off of Teheran! Now the mullahs can say that they need progress between Israel and the Palestinians before they will move on nukes, all the while proceeding with development of weapons. After all, they are only agreeing with the obama administration.

Let's hope that the Netanyahu government in Israel does not fall for this nonsense. The best thing Israel can do now for itself and for the USA as well is to ignore Biden the buffoon

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